Directorate Of Technical Education, Maharashtra State, Mumbai
3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box 1967,Mumbai - 400 001.
Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma in Engineering/Technology for AY 2024 - 2025
थेट द्वितीय वर्ष पदविका अभियांत्रिकी व तंत्रज्ञान अभ्यासक्रम प्रवेश प्रक्रिया सन २०२४-२५
Important ongoing event
The date for Registration, Confirmation, and Institute Level Admissions has been extended until 23-10-2024. Candidates can register and confirm their application forms through the FC and take admissions in the institutes until 23-10-2024. CAP मार्फत प्रवेशित महाराष्ट्र राज्याचे अधिवासी व वार्षिक उत्पन्न रु. 8.00 लाख पर्यन्त असणाऱ्या विद्यार्थीनींकरिता “शिक्षण शुल्क शिष्यवृत्ती योजना” लागू केली असून आकारण्यात येणारे १०० टक्के शिक्षण व परीक्षा शुल्क माफ करण्यात आलेले आहे. या करीता पोर्टलवर अर्ज करण्याची सुविधा सुरू झालेली असून तातडीने अर्ज करावा(वर्किंग प्रोफेशनल वगळून).

List of ITI Courses / Trades 10+(2 Years ITI)

Sr. No. ITI Course / Trade Name
1 Advance Machine Tool Operator
2 Agriculture Engineering
3 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technician
4 Apparel
5 Architect Draftsman
6 Architectural Dman (SCVT)
7 Architectural Graphic Designer
8 Armature Winder
9 Attendant Operator (Chem. Plant)
10 Auto CAD Technic
11 Auto Electrician
12 Auto Engineering Technician
13 Auto Engineering Technician (GA/GB/GC)
14 Auto Engineering Technician (K1/K2/K3)
15 Auto Mech. 2/3 wheeler
16 Automobile
17 Automobile Electronics
18 Automotive Manufacturing
19 Basic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
20 Basics of Tourism Aviation Industry
21 Biomedical Instrumentation Radiology and Imaging
22 Boiler Attendant
23 Building Construction and Plumbing
24 Building Construction Management
25 Building Construction Supervisor
26 Building construction Technology
27 Building Maintenance
28 Building Services and Maintenance
29 Cable Jointer
31 Carpenter
32 Catering and Restaurant Management
33 Chemical
34 Chemical Sector (Advance Module in Instrument Mechanic & Advance Mechanic Instruments)
35 Civil Engg. Assistant
36 Clinical Pathology and Haematology Blood Bank (P1)
37 CNC Programming and Machining
38 CNC Turning
39 Computer Aided Design (CAD)
40 Computer Animation
41 Computer Application
42 Computer Assembling & Design
43 Computer CAD Technique
44 Computer CNC Programmer
45 Computer Design Technician
46 Computer DTP Technical
47 Computer Graphics
48 Computer information Technology
49 Computer Java Programmer
50 Computer Network
51 Computer Network Administrator
52 Computer Operating System Analyst
53 Computer Operator
54 Computer Programming
55 Computer Science
56 Computer Software Consultant
57 Computer Software Design
58 Computer Software Technology
59 Computer System Analyst
60 Computer Techniques (X1/X2/X3)
61 Computer Technology(JA/JB/JC)
62 Computer Web Technology
63 Computerized Printing Technology
64 Construction & Wood Working
65 Construction Machinery cum Operator
66 Construction Surveying
67 Construction Technology(HA/HB/HC)
68 Consumer Electronics
69 Dairy Farming
70 Data Preparation and Comp. Software
71 Digital and Data Communication
72 Draftsman Architecture
73 Draftsman Civil
74 Draftsman Mechanical
75 Driver cum Fitter
76 DTP Technic
77 Electric Appliances Maintenance (J4/J5/J6)
78 Electrical
79 Electrical Engineering
80 Electrical Technology(FA/FB/FC)
81 Electrical Wiring Estimation and Costing
82 Electrician
83 Electrician (Mines)
84 Electrician (Steel Plant)
85 Electrician Air Craft
86 Electrician Power Distribution
87 Electronic Mechanic
88 Electronic Technology(EA/EB/EC)
89 Electronics
90 Electronics Communication System
91 Electronics Instruments and Measurement
92 Electronics Technology (J1/J2/J3)
93 Electroplater
94 Electroplating
95 Engineering Metrology
96 Exterior and Interior Design
97 Fabrication (F & W)
98 Fashion Designing & Clothing Construction
99 Fiber Reinforced Plastic Processor
100 Fitter
101 Food Production General
102 Furniture Making
103 Furniture making and Designing
104 General Fitter cum Mechanic
105 General Welding
106 Graphic Design Technician
107 High Voltage Engineering
108 Histotechnology (P2)
109 Hospitality Management
110 Hotel Operations
111 Hydraulics and Pneumatics
112 Illumination Engineering
113 Industrial Automation
114 Industrial Electronics
115 Industrial Instrument Electronics
116 Industrial Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
117 Industrial Technology
118 Info. Tech. & Electronic System Maintenance
119 Information Communication Technology System Maintenance
120 Information Technology
121 Installation, Maintenance and Servicing of Medical Equipment
122 Instrument Mechanic
123 Instrument Mechanic (Chemical Plant)
124 Interior CAD Operator
125 Interior Decoration and Designing
126 Lab. Asst. (Chem. Plant)
127 Laboratory Management & Ethics (P3)
128 Landscape Architecture
129 Lift Mechanic
130 Lineman
131 Litho Offset Machine Minder
132 Mach. Machine Tool Maint./ Mechanic Millwright Maint.
133 Machine (Agri. Machinery)
134 Machine Advacne Machine Tool Maint.
135 Machinist
136 Machinist Grinder
137 Maint. Mechanic(Chem. Plant)
138 Marine Fitter
139 Mason Building Constructor
140 Mat. Handling Equip.
141 Material Testing and Heat Treatment
142 Mech. Computer Hardware
143 Mech. Machine Tool Maint / Mechanic Millwright Maint
144 Mech. Marine Diesel
145 Mechanic (Dairy Maint.)
146 Mechanic (earth Moving Machinery)
147 Mechanic (Mining Machiner)
149 Mechanic Auto Electrical and Electronic
150 Mechanic Communication Equipment Maintenance
151 Mechanic Computer Hardware
152 Mechanic Consumer Electronics
153 Mechanic cum Operator
154 Mechanic cum Operator Electronics Communication System
155 Mechanic Diesel
156 Mechanic Industrial Electronics
157 Mechanic Maint. (Textile Machinery)
158 Mechanic Mechatronics
159 Mechanic Medical Electronics
160 Mechanic Motor Vehicle
161 Mechanic Radio & Radar Air Craft
162 Mechanic Radio & TV
163 Mechanic Ref. & Air conditioning
164 Mechanic Television (video)
165 Mechanical & Medical Electronics
166 Mechanical Computer Hardware
167 Mechanical Engineering
168 Mechanical Mechatronics
169 Mechanical Technician
170 Mechanical Technology
171 Medical Lab Technician
172 Microprocessor and Microcontroller
173 Ministry of Skill Development And Entrepreneurship
174 Multimedia Internet Technology
175 Offset Printing Technician
176 Operator Adv. Machine Tool
177 Operator cum Mechanic (Power Plant)
178 Painter General
179 Pipe Fitter
180 Plastic Mould Maker (SCVT)
181 Plastic Processing Operator
182 PLC and Its Application
183 Power Electrician
184 Process Control and Process Instrumentation
185 Production & Manufacturing
186 Production & Manufacturing Sector
187 Production Quality Control
188 Programming and system administration Assistant with pass in XII science(Physics,Maths, Chemistry)
189 Pump Operator cum Mechanic
190 Radar and Satellites Communication
191 Radio and Audio System
192 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
193 Repair & Maintenance of Biomedical Equipments
194 Repairs and Rewinding of Electric Motor
195 Repairs and Rewinding of Electric Motor
196 Repairs and Rewinding of Electrical Domestic Appliances
197 Rubber Technician (SCVT)
198 Sheet metal worker
199 Stream Turbine Cum Auxiliary Plant operator
200 Structural Fabricator and Repair Technology
201 Structure Fabrication
202 Surveyor
203 T.V. and Video System
204 Technician Mechatronics
205 Technician Medical Electronics
206 Technician Power Electronics System
207 Textile Processing and Technology
208 Textile Wet Processing and Technology
209 Tool & Die Maker (J&F)
210 Tool & Die Maker (J&M)
211 Tool & Die Maker (M&D)
212 Tool and Die Making
213 Travel and Tourism Management
214 Trouble Shooting of Electronics Equipment
215 Turner
216 Visual Design and Arts
217 Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering
218 Weld Testing and Quality Management
219 Welding Fabrication and Automation
220 Welding Technic
221 Welding Technology
222 Wireman
Printed On: 07-02-2025 09:05 PM
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